
Yves Hanoulle started working in IT in 1994.
He started as software support which he sees as the best way to customer driven programming. In 1996 he was one of the founders of Jeudwerknet.
After a few years working as a programmer, he started to follow a 1 year course on leading groups. For him, IT is more then anything else working with people. A skills that can never be learned enough.
That is also the reason why one of two books Yves reads every month, has nothing to do with IT, but with personal skills.
Yves worked 5 years as Microsoft Certified trainer.
Yves is a Certified Core Instructor for McCarthy Technologies.  This means he knows how to create result oriented teams and has done it multiple times.
Yves spends 20% of his revenu on training and books. He also started a 4 year gestalt training in 2007 to optimize his coaching skills.
Yves works as an agile project coach optimizing teams and as a leadership coach helping people to do the same. 
From 2005 till 2008 Yves had the pleasure to work as an agile coach with a distrubted team (Belgium/Russian Federation).  When he started that he read everywhere that the combination of agile and distributed was not possible.  His team made it happen.

Yves started PairCoaching.net because he believes that 2 trainers always outperform 1 trainer, no matter how good they are. His PairCoaching.net Leadership workshop created with his father, show this also works with people that never met eachother.

Yves also delivers talks, workshops etc around the world.
If you have an agile project where you want some coaching, or would like to have him talking in your company or on your conference feel free to contact him on by phone +32 476 43 38 32 or Skype: YvesHanoulle

More detailed information can be found at  YvesHanoulle’s Linkedin Profile.

Yves Hanoulle’s pictures on Flickr 
Yves Hanoulle’s Slides on Slideshare
Yves Hanoulle’s Twitter messages
Yves Hanoulle’s Video’s on YouTube
Yves Hanoulle’s Books on Librarything

One Response

  1. added u to my blogroll… 😉

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