War for talent: CheaperTalentHypothesis

I completely agree with Martin Fowler on this one. Better programmers out perform worse once. (And that is why they are cheaper in the end.)

It’s a very nice example of More is less.

Maybe one slightly change to his article: in an truely agile team, when the better programmers pair with the lesser ones, they will bring the lesser ones up to speed. So you might do ok with a few lesser programmers in your team. I said a few, that means less then 50%. More like 10 to 30%. (Otherwise the quality of the team is too low.) When these lesser programmers are brought up to the same speed you can hire other lesser ones. It is my guess you won’t need them anymore.

I would chooses 10 smart people over 100 dumb, every time. I know the smart team will outperform the other team big time.

See also my 7 tips about compensating your agile team

I  am Yves Hanoulle, your virtual Project coach and you can reach me at blog at my training company  .net

Reboot to team 2.0 is the perfect follow up after a CSM (Certified Scrum master class)

Sven followed a great CSM with Joseph Pelrine. (I have followed already multiple courses with Joseph. including my own CSM. I agree he is great.)

Svens next step is learning about self-organizing teams.

I have a few tips for Sven and every other CSM.

1) Check out my post about self organizing teams.

2) As I told you in chat I think that Reboot to team2.0 the best course is to learn about self organizing teams.
    a) you are in a self-organizing team all week and you have to deliver something at the end of the week.
    b) you learn to use rules that will help you to create your own self-organizing team

You can download these rules (The Core protocols) for free from the McCarthy website.
You can use them like this.They will work.

I notice that most people need a bootcamp to find the courage to use the core protocols. They do feel strange. Yes I agree.

And yet the more I use them, the more I think about them,  the more logical I find the Core protocols.
Some of them I use at home with my kids.

If you are in a distributed team, or in a company that has a a culture of e-mail, you might also want to check out my “taking group decisions by email protocol post”.


I  am Yves Hanoulle, your virtual Project coach and you can reach me at blog at my training company  .net


5 tibetans, 5 tibetaantjes

One of the reasons that I am following my gestalt training is to become a better listener.

Communication is reading, writing, talking and listening. 40% of all communication is listening.

We all had years training to learn how to write, to learn how to read. There exists a number of training on how to speak.
The only training I know on listen is giving to therapists.

Now listening is partly about listening to what people say, and partly about what their body says.To better know what someone else body says, you have to also better understand your own body.

During the first four gestalt courses we did a lot of Bio-energetic exercises. It really helped me to understand my own body.

One of the exercises we did was the 5 tibetans. As I never remember how to do them I looked on YouTube. And yes a nice example on how to do them.


For BioEnergetics you can do almost any kind of exercise. The trick is to learn to listen to your body.

My partner now even started to follow a Bio Energetics course given by my mother. If you are from Ghent and want to have an alternative way of body exercise. Check it out.

I  am Yves Hanoulle, your virtual Project coach and you can reach me at blog at my training company  .net